SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- Sioux Falls Police say there will be extra officers on the streets over the July 4th holiday, looking for people using illegal fireworks.
It's a $95 fine.
Booms and zooms are illegal, according to City Fire Inspector Tyler Tjeerdsma.
"If it goes 'bang' or goes in the air, it's not allowed within the city limits of Sioux Falls."
That leaves you free to use sparklers, smoke bombs and similar stuff, but even sparklers can be dangerous.
"Sparklers do burn at 1800 degrees, so, just be cautious with those..." Tjeerdsma warns to not let young children set them off.
Fire officials say leave the big fireworks to the professionals. Enjoy a local show, such as the Jaycees 51st annual fireworks show Wednesday evening at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds.