SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- Is the salvation of city of Sioux Falls' three money-bleeding golf courses through some non-golf activities?
Mayor Mike Huether thinks so.
"Can you take these assets, such as Elmwood, and Prarie Green, and Kuehn, can you use those buildings, those facilities and finding even better ways to use those, even if it doesn't involve golf?" the Mayor said.
This could include events like wedding receptions and birthday parties, according to Huether.
Huether also told The Greg Belfrage Show today that concession winner Landscapes Unlimited has a track record of doing such things with their properties.
Despite two local companies not getting the big city golf course contract, Huether says he's pleased with the selection of Landscapes Unlimited to run the city's three courses.
"One of my first questions was, to (Parks Director) Don Kearney, that was, 'Alright Don, how did the vote go?'" Huether said. "When he told me it was unanimous, then of course you fell so much stronger. Ok, great!"
Also, Huether has been criticized for not making the names of the members of the City Golf Course RFP Evaluation Committee public prior to their announcement naming a winner last week.
Huether says the current process is fair.
"They (evaluation committee) are able to do it based on what they believe is right for the city as a whole," Huether said. "Versus those very, very loud--yes--very, very organized--yes--very, very passionate interest groups."
Huether also said he's tried to put more citizens and Councilors on evaluation committees.
Click here to listen to the full intervew.