SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Police describe the two men in a murder-suicide in a northwest Sioux Falls apartment as acquaintances who got into a fight Sunday night.
Lieutenant Mike Colwill identifies the men as, the tenant, 45-year-old Ronald Douglas Cook and, the visitor, 36-year-old Brett Alan Thooft of Sioux Falls.
Colwill says investigators believe Cook murdered Thooft with a .40 caliber handgun Sunday. Thooft was fatally shot in the head and chest.
Colwill says they also believe Cook used the same handgun to take his own life sometime on Monday.
Investigators don't have a motive into the murder-suicide aside from the physical fight the men had on Sunday. The families asked the police to "not get too far into the (men's) relationship so we're going to honor that request."
Colwill says there was a substantial amount of time between the deaths of the men based on some notes Cook left behind.
The reason police were called Tuesday morning was because a friend went to the apartment to take Cook to work. That's when he found a note from Cook that said "something bad has happened upstairs, call the police."
Colwill say there was information in the notes that gave investigators a time line and how the shootings occured but he wouldn't be specific.