SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) The City of Sioux Falls has reached a tenative deal with Glory House for the old indoor ice center property.
The property, on W. 51st Street, will be divided into three pieces. Public Workers Director Mark Cotter says the thinnest parcel Glory House will purchase for $50,000.
"The city will gift the additional parcel to Glory House to assist with their expansion and then the third parcel that's in blue, the city will sell the remaining ice and rec property by public auction." Cotter briefed City Council on Tuesday, by referring to a multi-colored map of the property.
Glory House, a non-profit, wants to expand its ministry to ex-convicts with plans to build an apartment complex for them with support and counseling services to help them transition to society.
This tenative deal represents a compromise, as some City Councilors had hoped the entire parcel could be gifted to Glory House.
President of Glory House Dave Johnson told Council that the deal will be a winner for everyone.
"For the clients we serve, it will mean a great deal in their lives."