SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The reconstruction of the I-29 overpass along 6th Street in Brookings begins in a week and a half with installation of temporary traffic signals and detour routes .
DOT Engineer John Rittershaus says the project includes a new five-lane bridge with sidewalk along with resurfacing, curb and gutter, traffic signal, lighting and utility work for a half mile east and west of the bridge.
Rittershaus says it be total reconstruction from 20th Avenue to 34th Avenue on Highway 14, or 6th Street, which becomes the main thoroughfare in Brookings. He says the intersection at 22nd Avenue will be widened significantly to include duel left lanes to help the flow of traffic at peak times.
Rittershaus says the westbound lane of the bridge will be demolished first with two-way traffic detoured to the eastbound lane in the first phase. He says motorists will still be able to use the exit ramps. He says traffic will be head-to-head, down to two lanes under the bridge and on 6th Street.
A public meeting is set for Monday, March 20th in the Brookings City Hall Council Chambers with actual construction slated to begin the first week in April.
Rittershaus says "Business Signs" along the detour routes will direct traffic to access points for impacted businesses.
The project's completion date is November 3rd.