SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- If you own a downtown core area business like KELO-AM/Midwest Communications Radio is, then you received a letter that says the City is considering reauthorizing the Main Street Business Improvement District program.
The letter says, in part:
"Since 1989, the Main Street Business Improvement District (BID) has generated funds that have been used for several enhancements to downtown Sioux Falls and have complimented the district's overall resurgence. These funds are collected through a special assessment on real estate properties within the district."
The City is looking to assess $172,819.92 if the program is reauthorized.
KELO-AM's share on 500 S. Phillips is over $1,600 dollars.
The City's BID Board is holding a public hearing 4 p.m. Thursday at the City Center at 231 N. Dakota Ave. If they recommend reauthorizing the program, then the City Council will decide whether to continue it. News has asked the City of Sioux Falls to provide more information on how the money is used and whether property owners who are assessed are directly benefited.