SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- It's a strip of concrete about 35 feet by 100 feet--and the City of Sioux Falls owns it.
It is the center of a controversy other whether the City should sell the parcel behind the Huey Apartments on North Phillips Avenue so a $13 million dollar redevelopment project can move forward on the site.
Today, Councilor Theresa Stehly called a number of Sioux Falls City bureaucrats--including the fire chief, a police captain, fire inspectors, and the planning and building director--to an impromptu meeting at the property mid-afternoon Friday. And, unbeknownst to the city officials, she called the media to attend as well.
Stehly peppered the officials with questions about fire codes, building codes, zoning, public safety, parking, and access in and out of the back of the Huey building where the city property is.
The City property is between a strip of asphalt immediately behind the Huey building and a 20-foot public pathway along Big Sioux River on the east bank. The apartment currently has an easement to use the strip of city land to enter and exit the property. Planning director Mike Cooper said that wouldn't change if the property is sold, that there would still be an easement.
The City Council deadlocked Tuesday 4 to 4 on whether to sell the property. Mayor Paul TenHaken was on vacation. Stehly says TenHaken said he supports the project.
"We should care because this is an area that's had great accessibility and functionality for the last 40 years," Stehly said.
The apartments were built in 1978 as a low-income income housing project. The 40 year agreement for the subsidies from the federal government runs out this year. Tenants will be looking for a new place to live before the start of next year.
That's also a concern for Stehly.
"There's a sadness about that," she said.
Stehly says she'd like to see only half the parcel sold so there would still be room for vehicles to turn around and give better access to fire and police.
Click above to listen to the full interview with Stehly.