SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( Better yet, what is the Office of the United States Trade Representative? As we talk more and more about tariffs and trade wars, You may hear something referred to as the TPA, the Trade Promotion Authority.
Since 1974, Congress has enacted TPA legislation that defines U.S. negotiating objectives and priorities for trade agreements and establishes consultation and notification requirements for the President to follow throughout the negotiation process. At the end of the negotiation and consultation process, Congress gives the agreement an up or down vote, without amendment. TPA reaffirms Congress’s overall constitutional role in the development and oversight of U.S. trade policy.
Key elements of TPA—
(1) TPA outlines Congressional guidance to the President on trade policy priorities and negotiating objectives.
(2) TPA establishes Congressional requirements for the Administration to notify and consult with Congress, with the private sector and other stakeholders and with the public during the negotiations of trade agreements.
(3) TPA defines the terms, conditions, and procedures under which Congress allows the Administration to enter into trade agreements, and sets the procedures for Congressional consideration of bills to implement the agreements.
TPA bills establish consultation and notification requirements for the President to follow throughout the trade agreement negotiation process – ensuring that Congress, stakeholders, and the public are closely involved before, during and after the conclusion of trade agreement negotiations. And TPA explicitly retains Congress’s ultimate authority to decide whether the United States will implement any trade agreements.
For more information on the TPA, and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, go to