SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- Outgoing Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether says he hopes to provide advice and inspiration to Mayor-elect Paul TenHaken.
TenHaken's transition office will be only a "stone's throw" from Huether's office at city hall, so Huether hopes to share his experience of 8 years in office, if TenHaken wants it.
"And I think it's going to be a lot of fun too, gives me a chance to meet this new mayor-elect."
TenHaken has said that as part of his transition plan, he wants to meet with Mayor Huether.
"I will do my best to provide him advice, or to coach him, or to motivate him, or even just listen to him..." Huether tells News.
One of the "harsh realities", says Huether, is that running for mayor is a lot different from being mayor. He hopes to pass on that reality to TenHaken.
Huether says he loves the residents of Sioux Falls and the city itself, and will be cheering on the city and the new mayor in the years ahead.
Huether passes the baton to TenHaken May 15.