SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- Due to the high risk nature of their job Sioux Falls Fire Rescue (SFFR) is exploring the possibility of utilizing paramedics, currently employed within their department, to be advanced life support responders.
Besides fighting fires SFFR also responds to specialty incidences such as water rescues, structural collapses, and trench rescues, as well as supporting the Sioux Falls Police Department on bomb squad and SWAT responses.
"Sioux Falls Fire Rescue wants to ensure that we are able to protect our responders and the community by providing the safest and most appropriate use of resources during specialty incident responses," says Chief Brad Goodroad. "I feel that now is the right time to explore the possibility of using internal resources to support special incident responses. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) response system is ever evolving, and it is our duty to continue to evaluate and learn from the best practices of other departments across the nation."
This expanded response capability would allow Sioux Falls Fire Rescue to provide immediate initial advanced life support to responders and victims during a specialty incident.
"Next steps for our department include looking at budgetary consideration and the impact to job duties and compensation for our firefighters. Should this change be made, it would go into effect in 2019," says Chief Goodroad.