Sioux Falls, S.D. (KELO AM) - Over an hour of discussion on the matter seemed split, and so was the City Council on a move that would have changed the way members of the Sioux Falls Parks Board are selected.
Yes votes were cast by Councilors Selberg, Starr, Stehly, and Neitzert. No votes came from Erickson, Erpenbach, Kiley, and Rolfing. With the tie, the deciding no vote was voiced by Mayor Huether.
RELATED: Full court press against parks board change
Currently there are no geographic restrictions to how members of the board are selected; the proposal would have required members be selected from each district of the city, similar to how the Council itself is elected.
Discussion on the matter lasted over an hour, with supporters calling it a progressive move, something that would improve parks in every part of the city because the people who frequent the parks know them best. Those against feared that individual "pet projects" would cause rifts on the board,
According to Parks Director Don Kearney, should the measure have passed Sioux Falls would have been put in a unique position as the only city in the region to require each of its districts be represented on the parks board, even though the board itself has no taxation or spending power.
Supporters of the measure, including author Theresa Stehly, have yet to disclose their next moves.