SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO-AM) -- Repeal now and replace later for Obamacare sounds like an easy solution.
However, Sen. John Thune, who's helped write the pending Senate bill, says its not that easy.
He says people can't be left in a lurch for coverage while the market place rebuilds.
On the other hand, Sen. Ted Cruz's amendment to allow insurers to write any health insurance policy they want as long as they also provide an Obamacare-compliant plan bears looking into, according to Thune.
The South Dakota Republican says it might be a good compromise to win back some GOP votes in the Senate, but the Congressional Budget Office and others need to examine its costs and impact.
And again, Thune is pleading with President Trump to stop the personal attacks on Twitter.
South Dakota's senior U.S. Senator said that Trump's large social media presence would be better used in furthering the Administration's policy initiatives.
Nevertheless, Thune says GOP Senators like him will keep trying to push the President's agenda forward, regardless of the Presidential tweets.
Thune made his comments on The Greg Belfrage Show Thursday.