SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether on Monday started counting down his last year in office.
"It's going to be hard not to watch the clock, but I'm going to be more focused on maximizing the day and getting crap done for the people that I serve," Huether tells KELO.COM News.
Huether will leave office May 15, 2018, after two quotable terms as mayor of South Dakota's largest city.
"It's hitting me right in the gut. It's a job I really love. But the reality is that it's going to come to an end.....but a year is still plenty of time to get some good stuff done,"
He hopes his last year includes ribbon cutting of the new City Administrative building now under construction and at least one ground breaking in the Rail Yard development downtown.
"Toughest project we've ever undertaken as a city, the rail yard redevelopment project. It won't be completed over the next year, but mark my words, we should have our first groundbreaking there."
Huether is still keeping his political cards very close to his vest about what happens after May 15, 2018.