SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - A former head of training at Disney University brings his message of corporate culture, business performance and having fun while doing it to next week's Sioux Falls Convention and Visitor Bureau's Industry Luncheon.
Doug Lipp says Disney University is the employee development vehicle that Walt wanted to help Disneyland to become successful. Lipp says Walt knew how to make films but he needed help in hiring and training the thousands of people needed to run the "Happiest Place on Earth."
Lipps says there are core values that companies must embrace to build a thriving and sustainable culture.
He business must innovate, constantly try new things and be willing to take risks and possibly fail. He says crystal clear, leadership support. By that Lipp says managers must get out of their offices and go to the front lines where employees and clients are conducting the firm's business.
Lipp says everyone that attends Tuesday's luncheon at the Sioux Falls Convention Center will be able to walk away with a checklist of ideas of where their strengths are and where their weaknesses are. "Then it's simply up to them to apply these learnings."
Lipp's presentation includes exercises and participant-centered activities. He says that will give attendees a blueprint for creating and perpetuating a culture of significant uniqueness to their organization.
Tickets for the Visitor Industry Luncheon are available at the Sioux Falls Convention & Visitors Bureau website.