SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO AM) Sioux Falls City Council Tuesday night is scheduled to make a final decision on throwing more sunlight on the City Parks Board. The ordinance would require that park board meetings be recorded or videotaped for the public record.
Freshman Councilor Theresa Stehly says the board handles $20 million in taxpayer money and makes major decisions on new park locations and park and facility fees, so the more transparency the better. But Stehly is concerned about push back the council is getting.
"With the rationale that it's going to make park board members feel uncomfortable to be videotaped. It may hinder the willingness to serve on the park board." Stehly tells KELO Radio News, "But wait a minute, the planning commission videotapes it's meeting right now. We have all of our city council things done in public..."
The Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation Board has seven members, each appointed for a five-year term. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of City Council.