SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - There's some local resistance to a planned state park in Spearfish Canyon admits the Secretary of the Game, Fish and Parks.
During budget hearings today before the Joint Appropriations Committee in Pierre, Secretary Kerry Heppler admitted there's opposition.
Heppler says G,F and P should have reached out to locals a year ago when the idea sufaced and negotiations were underway with Homestake. But he says there are still plenty of opportunities for Black Hills residents to offer comments on the proposed park.
The legislature will have to approve an appropriations measure for the park.
Keppler told the committee that as legislators you have to ask yourselves "is the state of South Dakota the best caretakers?" He says answer that question first. He says he's not sure everybody is going to be fully comfortable with the new park because change is difficult. But he also says that folks will become more comfortable with it through time.
The new park would be centered around Savoy.