SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - An anonymous donor is helping Sioux Falls Police make the holidays a little brighter for those in need.
Officer Sam Clemens says the donor gave police $3,500 dollars to hand out as they see fit.
Clemens says the money is be handed out in various donation to needy families officer identify in their work with the city's residents. Patrolmen, detectives, officers and school resource officers were given cash and they'll determine when, how and to whom to give the gifts.
Clemens says this is the second year the donor provided police with Holiday money.
Police Chief Matt Burns says "officers frequently meet people who are in need, and this is a great opportunity to give something back to those people." He say officer benefit too through the positve interaction with resident.
It's better to give than receive.
The donations began last week and will continue a few days into next week.