SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Funding for a new Animal Disease Research and Diagnostics Lab at South Dakota State is a priority for the incoming president of the South Dakota Cattleman's Association.
Larry Stomprud, of Mud Butte, is working with legislators and Governor Daugaard on funding.
Stomprud says the big kicker is going to be finding the funds to build and operate the lab. He says a continuing funding source has to be found to pay off the bond.
Stomprud says another Cattleman's priority is working with the president-elect and a new Congress to cut some red tape.
He says producers are alway trying to reduce "the government's interference and overreach into our business."
He says Association members want to convince Congress and the new president about the importance of trade agreements.
He says trade is needed in the beef industry because cattlemen need to move product.
Stomprud also wants a rollback of the Waters of the U.S. rule and executive actions on endangered species and antiquities acts.
Stomprud says so far he's encouraged by President-elect Trump's appointments because they appear to be friendly to agriculture