SIOUX FALLS,SD (KELO-AM) - Voters in South Dakota have alot to think about before heading to the polls. Besides candidate races, ten ballot issues, as constitutional amendments, initiated measures, referred laws give voters a chance to change governance of vocational and technical education, create new crime victim laws, cap payday loan rates, remove party labels from elections, and re-draw political boundaries. Another allows corporate organizations and non-profit organizations, such as unions, the right to charge a fee for services. Taxpayer funding of political campaigns is another proposal facing voters.
KELO Radio News is featuring the voices on both sides of each issue now until the election. It's our way of helping you the voter decide on issues that can impact your life, liberty and pocketbook.
Here's a link to the South Dakota Secretary of State's Election website, where you'll find sample ballots and complete explanations of each ballot issues