SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Groundbreaking was Wednesday afternoon for the 50 foot high Arc of Dreams that will span the Big Sioux Rivers just south of Raven Industries in Sioux Falls.
SculptureWalk Director Jim Clark says first turn some dirt and then transportation and installation lie ahead.
"We are gonna launch the iconic sculpture for the city of Sioux Falls and this is the first step," Clark told KELO Radio.
Clark says groundwork will begin soon and should be done in January. Dale Lamphere has already started work on the sculpture and the goal is to have the Arc installed a year from now.
The Arc represents the spirit of determination and the gap at the top of the stainless steel work represents the leap of faith pioneers took.
SculptureWalk and Arc of Dreams donors are responsible for the inspiring tribute to past and present South Dakota dreamers and their spirit of determination.
The stainless steel Arc will tower over the Big Sioux River in downtown Sioux Falls.