SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - By video conference Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether and Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender today described methamphetamine's impact in South Dakota.
Allender, a former Rapid Police Chief, has first-hand knowledge of the tentacles of meth use.
Allender says there is no such thing as a casual meth user. He says that meth addict will destroy his or her life. He says they will become a problem element for any community.
Mayor Huether has proclaimed this week at Meth Awareness Week in Sioux Falls.
Tomorrow the Sioux Falls and Rapid City police chiefs will offer their takes on the meth problem.
Thursday's effort will focus on the health issues surrounding the abuse of meth and Friday's topic will center on what members of the community can do to combat the ravages of crime caused by addicts on the prowl for their next meth high.