SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- It's hot. It's humid. It's sunny.
It's also a slow news day.
So, if the news won't come to you, you go to the news or some reasonable facsimile thereof.
First, it's a trip to Drake Spring Family Aquatic Park east of downtown. The parking lot is full. The pool is full. The decks are full. The lazy river is full.
But for Jake, about 8 years old, it was a day of a big first--his first dive off the high diving board. (See video at right.)
He said he wasn't scared. Then he said he was. Then his cousins made sure everyone knew he was scared. But Jake took the dive while Jake's dad decided to stay planted on the deck and not take the plunge.
After being out in the heat and humidity, it was time for a cool drink. So off to the local ice cream show. Enjoy news director Todd Epp's cherry slush with him at right.
It was cold. It was icy. It was sweet.
Then back to the newsroom, slow day or not. The news continues.