PIERRE, S.D. - (KELO.com) According to South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP), consistent warm weather led to the high survival of newly-hatched fish at Blue Dog State Fish Hatchery near Waubay.
The successful hatch led to the stocking of over 4.25 million, 1-to-2-inch fingerlings. The previous high for fingerling production was 3.3 million in the 1990s.
Nearly 40 lakes throughout South Dakota received walleye, saugeye or yellow perch fingerlings.
Lower Lake Oahe received over 2.1 million walleye fingerlings.
“The Lake Oahe fingerlings were marked, so they can be distinguished from naturally produced fish,” said hatchery manager Jerry Broughton. “This is part of a study to determine if stocking will contribute to the fishery in the future.”
Small fingerlings are used to supplement natural production, maintain fish populations or introduce a species to a new water.
Anglers should experience the benefits of the stockings in about three years.