SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( -- They're from the government and they're here to help you.
No, seriously, they are.
The state and federal governments have formed a special unit to retrieve money from scammers who've ripped off Social Security and other social programs.
The gropu is called the Cooperative Disabilities Investigation Unit and they will also go after other social program fraud.
But most of us don't have to worry, according to Special Agent in Charge Wilbert Craig.
"We're not going after you," Craig said. "You have one good day and you're mowing your yard, you're doing your flowers, we're not going after you. We're not going after those folks. We're going after people who are actively doing fraud against the Social Security Administration that have made multiple false statements, that are doing things they've been told about explicity that they could not do."
However, South Dakotan's are not any better than other Americans in committing fraud against the agency according to Special Agenct Jason Piercy.
"There is fraud in this state," Piercy said."We've only been in existing for a few months and we're already got more case work than bodies to investigate it.
Craig said these units have retrieved nearly four billion dollars for taxpayers and governments over the past 20 years. The South Dakota CDIU is the first in a rural area. The unit is headquartered in Sioux Falls with an office in Rapid City.