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AUDIO: Public vote closer in wind farm battle


CANTON, S.D. (KELO AM) Over 2,000 petition signatures were turned into Lincoln County on Thursday to put the future of wind farms in the county to a public vote.

Brian Minish with Dakota Power Community Wind hopes the voters will reverse the county's new wind farm setback ordinance of a half mile from any residence.

"This in essence would have outlawed or made unfeasible the building of any wind farm in Lincoln County," Minish tells KELO.COM News.

Minish says they gathered at least 400 signatures more than required so is optimistic that county officials will authenicate the petitions for a public vote on the controversial ordinance.

"As we walked up and down the streets we had hardly anybody that didn't agree to sign our petition," says Minish.

After the petitions are approved, the county has 45 days to set a vote.

Community Wind has been trying hard for years to build a huge wind farm in Lincoln, but citizens near the proposed site have been fighting equally hard against it.


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